Children’s Ministry
We take making disciples of Jesus in the next generation very seriously here at CBC. All of our staff is carefully screened to protect the children entrusted to our care!!
A fully-staffed, well-equipped nursery is available during our Worship Service and Sunday School for children up to four years old. Our nursery allows parents to confidently entrust their children to our care while participating in the services here at CBC.
Children’s Church
Children five years old through third grade are invited to learn from God’s Word in a service designed just for them. Children’s Church begins after the singing portion of our Worship service (the pastor dismisses them right before the sermon)…but after the kids get downstairs they have a time for singing and learning geared to their level.
Sunday School
This is a grade-specific small group ministry for ALL ages. Teachers involve students in experiencing Bible truths through active learning in a relational setting. Sunday School is held Sunday mornings at 9:45 am.
Meets Sunday nights during the school year on Sundays from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Other Activities
Other opportunities for kids of CBC include Summer camp, Vacation Bible School, Christmas programs, and more.